TCAHR - Better Living Through Memetics Volume 02, Issue 01 The TCAHRian Resurrection 10/29/01 ------------------------------------------------------------ Oh? You thought TCAHR was dead. Didn't you know about the legend about Jet Jaguar and the rebirth of the Big Bad Meme Machine? When old Communists in seedy bars of Chillicoati, Kansas weep and shake their heads bitterly at the state of the world, a raven-haired child of Aztec blood will come out of the Midwestern plains of the United States to claim the mantle of Jet Jaguar. He will drop his sickle and hammer and raise the Evil Memetic Empire instead. As we all know, Chillicoati is located in Missouri; which casts great doubt on this story. Besides, I'm from Chicago and the only Aztec I've ever seen was a SUV. No, not true. It's all lies. There is a much more sinister reason for our disappearence. TCAHR had been corrupted by the most powerful poisoner of opinion--friends and associates. It's very hard to make use of an alter ego when someone walks up to you in a bar and yells "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" As any fan of bad crime novels will tell you, the best way to rid yourself of unwanted influences is to fake your own death. It worked for Tupac; Suge Knight will never find him now! TCAHR and Jet Jaguar had to "die"...for a little while. I would have been back sooner, but I've been enjoying my "death" a little too much. I always knew that TCAHR was waiting for me in a Zip Disk. I was always on the verge on picking it up, but would then pick up a Martini instead. Then some buildings in New York fell down. Did you all hear about this? Next thing I know, the president is leveling mountains to hit molehills, 10-year old boys are being interviewed by the FBI, there's grumblings against multiculturalism, talk of identity cards, the UK is renamed Airstrip One and ugly posters of Big Brother with eyes that follow you are plastered everywhere. Richard Gere was booed for talking about peace and forgiveness! Richard Gere! How can you boo Richard Gere who was in one of America's most beloved movies? You know, the love story about the WHORE!!! Prostitution good, peace bad. Glad to see the American public's value system is still functioning. I know, I know. That's not funny. That's the problem; it's not funny at all. As America butches up and embraces an even more intolerant stance, only a moron would write against the social mores which preaches peace at the cost of freedom; that's unpatriotic. That moron would be even more nutty if he already had a history of sending spam filled with "unpatriotic" rants to organizations such as those Moloch-worshipping baby eaters at the Republican National Congress. He'd definitely be certifiable if he did that writing while referring to himself in the plural and making allusions to an evil shadow empire. Yet here WE are. Well, well... Jet Jaguar TCAHR CEO ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2001