----- frequently asked questions about myself quitting DOOMED TO OBSCURITY e'zine (well, isn't that pretentious) ----- q : didn't you drop out of "the scene" completely? a : i never actually quit "the scene" - just DTO q : is it true that you quit because you were tired of getting bugged for the latest issues? a : althought constant nagging was a factor, this is certainly not the reason i quit. that's simply ridiculous. q : is it true you quit because of straight-edge jokes? a : i actually quit because i felt that if my personal beliefs were going to get in the way of how i ran the 'zine, than it was better off with me. don't get me wrong - i wasn't simply ABANDONING DTO. i would NEVER, in my right mind, do that for absolutely no good reason (althought i almost once a few months back - but that's a whole other story). from the very beginning, i've had nothing but the best intentions for DTO & i'm positive that it will one day get the attention it more than well-deserves. i came to this realize all of this only after mogel had, on more than a few occasions, mocked me for being straight-edge. now, don't misinterpret what i'm saying .. i'm not a whiner or anything, in the slightest. the insults actually had little to no affect on me, i just felt that i couldn't be an ACTIVE part of DTO if THAT'S how it was going to be. i had repeatedly asked mogel to stop or keep it to himself, but to no avail. q : are you planning on re-joining DTO? a : while i HAVE made peace with mogel, i currently have NO intentions of joining DTO again. q : are you ever going to write again? a : while i'm still not sure of this, i currently have written about 10k worth of a PEZ-esque project e'zine tent. entitled "i'm with stupid". - eof -